

Cute Pandas

I found this video and thought I should share. This is just to show you guys how cute these little cubs are. We can't let them go extinct. I have read in more than one article that we are the ones to blame if they go extinct because we are killing their habitat. Pandas have come a long way adapting to their  new environment  but it becomes more and more difficult for them to stay alive if we are pushing them out of their homes to accommodate ourselves. The little cubs in this video are an example of how vulnerable they are. They act like children, they will try to make every situation fun. Why would anyone want to hurt them all they want to do is play and have fun. They are so tiny and they look very cuddly it makes me want to hug one. I really hope that the reproduction of these cuties becomes more successful because like any other animal they deserve to live and enjoy the little pleasures of life like playing with a rocking horse. I hope you didn't think that because they are Pandas they don't like to play with toys. Enjoy this video its amazingly cute full of PANDAS!

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