

Artificial Insemination

In attempts to keep the Giant Pandas alive they have used artificial insemination on them. The article that I will discuss explains the process that the Giant Pandas go through. There is also a chart that shows research results on the effects of freezing the Pandas sperm. It is hoped that with being able to freeze the sperm they can reduce the amount of times they take the sperm from the Pandas. This article is very informational, it  doesn't try to appeal to any one's emotional side. It is very straight to the point and it has great diction as well.  Some of the words that they use are very scientific and not easy for just anyone to understand. The article ends by mentioning other methods. This article is important because we can learn from it and it educates the reader on the measures that are taken to be able to keep the Giant Panda species alive.

Name of Article is :
Technology Used in the Preservation of the Giant Panda

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