

My Territory

As I have recently discovered Pandas mark their territory. I thought that this was only a thing that dogs did but I guess not. Although for Pandas it is more on letting their mates know where they are. This is one of their ways of communication ( it is possible they still don't use cellphones). This  way of communication is mainly used by the Panda when they are ready for mating. On one of my earlier post I mentioned that research showed us that they are not always in isolation, but for better communication this is one of the methods that they use. The study found that the Pandas have high standards for the locations that they use for scent making. There are specific things that they look for when deciding where to mark some of those factors  that they consider are the roughness of the bark, there also has to be moss on the tree bark, the diameter of the tree bark, and lastly the distance of the tree to the trail. Before you think that Pandas are picky let me mention that they have really good reasons behind this criteria. These simple things decide how strong the scent will be, or how long it will last, and this enhances the communication between them. Researchers are not surprised that they are efficient with their communication because they believe their poor diet plays a role in this as well as they do not get a lot of energy.

Science Daily

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