

Meta-Cognitive Analysis

Lesly Alas
Sean Pessin
English 114 B
April 24, 2013

Meta-cognitive Analysis
College is really a different experience from high school. The moment you walk onto campus there is a feeling of freedom and independence, but along with those feelings there is also responsibility as a student to do your best. The reason I mention this is because as a student my class mates and I were responsible of creating a hybrid essay which is something that I had never heard of before. We had great guidance and lots of time but most relevantly we are becoming well rounded students learning different ways to display our work.
            Having to write this essay I came to the realization that there is more to writing than just words. As this essay taught me a picture can say a lot more than many different words put together. The example hybrid essays that I read were very powerful because they explained a lot some with a few words and pictures. Every time I thought of an essay I always imagined pages and pages of words never pictures and a few sentences. What I was delighted with was seeing how each of the authors decided to use the pictures. Although one of the examples that I read did not use pictures the writing style they utilized was completely different to a simple essay. They repeated the same word like a million times and yet the essay still made sense. In a non-hybrid essay I am sure the teacher could mark off a lot of words, but here it’s ok because it is a type of style that is being used.
            The challenging part of this assignment for me was being able to get it too look presentable in way that made sense. What I mean by this is that I wanted the pictures that I included to help enhance the visual in my essay. I was not able to make it look the way that I pictured it in my mind. I think this is where it comes in the fact that I have a lot to learn about posting things on a blog. As I was working on my essay on Microsoft everything was O.K but when I attempted to put it on the blog everything went downhill. I was not sure how to wrap the pictures around the text and I couldn’t make the pictures be where I wanted them too.
On one the example essays as I read it, it gave me the sense that I was walking alongside the person that was telling the story. This is something that I tried to incorporate in my essay. I wanted my essay to sound more of like a story so that it gives my essay the feel as if it is an adventure that I had as I completed the assignment. I also think that I went even a step further and I changed the point of view of my essay. I was going to write it in first but I felt it would be more fun to do so in the third person. For this essay I did fail to add a video because I was not entirely sure where I could fit one in and have it not be too random. All of the videos that I thought of were cute pandas doing silly things and I did not think that, that would go well with the way I was telling my story.
They Hybrid Essay have been by far one of the most fun assignments that I have ever done so far in my years of school. I honestly would have never thought that a teacher would ask me to add pictures into my essay. It had always been that I had to use quotes with my essays never a picture. This assignment has also been inspirational to me because now I feel like I should blog about something. Overall I am very proud of my work because this is my first hybrid essay and I know for a fact that there are a lot of more cool tricks that I need to learn about blogging and hybrid essay writing.

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